Born in 1962, Ambassador MEHILA Messaoud, a father of four children, is career diplomat graduated from the national school of Administration (ENA) of Algiers, diplomatic section, promotion 1985. Before being appointed as Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in Sofia, Mr MEHILA held the position of “chargé de mission” to the prime Minister managing a file related to international relations.
He has held during his career several senior positions in embassies and in the MFA administration in Algiers, including head of Economic and Commercial section in Istanbul (1999-2002), Minister Counsellor at the embassy of Algeria in Brussels (2002-2004), head of studies and synthesis in the cabinet of F.M (Algiers) (2004-2008) , consul of Algeria in Saint-Etienne (France) (2008-2015) and he also managed the consulate general of Algeria in Montréal (2018-2019).
M.MEHILA assumed responsibilities of teaching for years in the diplomatic institute of the MFA - Algiers. Earlier, He also obtained short-term training diplomas from ENA Paris and from CENI Geneva.